Anxiety is an instinctive physiological response of human beings, it happens naturally and does not depend on human will. From a biological point of view, we humans are unable to control our emotions with reason, because we have a very well-developed structure inside our brain, which is named cortical, also called gray matter, and also called neocortex, responsible for managing all logical thinking and waking cognition of human beings. So, what should we do to effectively dissolve anxiety?
1. Deep breathing and relaxation
When we are anxious, every thing speeds up. Our thoughts leap, our heart beats faster and our breathing accelerates. This makes it difficult for us to think clearly and make rational and appropriate decisions. When you notice the first signs of acceleration - take a deep breath and slow yourself down.
2. Do a 5×5 exercise to notice your senses
Although anxiety exists in our minds, it is often manifested in our bodies. When you are anxious and we can't connect to our bodies, take a moment to connect with your five senses.
Through your senses, feel these five things and describe what you see, smell, taste, touch, and hear. This exercise will help you return to the present moment and interrupt the vicious cycle of anxiety.
3. Complete every simple task in life
Life is full of simple tasks: walking, eating, doing chores, drinking water, cooking. When anxiety sets in, we feel out of control. Then, focusing on the present moment and doing simple tasks helps remind us - we are in control of our choices. You can choose a task, treat it as if it were your first time doing it, and commit to it to enrich your life.
4. Do a present moment reality check
Anxiety often stems from the fear of events that are not happening. Our minds are very creative and powerful, often telling us stories that don't really exist. When you have a catastrophic thought, ask yourself, "Is this absolutely true?" This will help you realize that the worst outcome is just that: what brings you fear is a guess, not a fact, it is not a fact that happens in reality.
5. Non-judgmental
Anxiety is already painful, but we are also often plagued by a second round of self-criticism. Ask yourself a simple question: Does being judgmental and judging make us more or less anxious? Answer: Always, if not more. When you notice that you are planning to be self-critical, try telling yourself, "I need to be nicer to myself and be kind to myself." Interrupt your automated judging system in this way.
6. Shift your anxiety energy
Not all anxiety is negative, and as we mentioned earlier, a certain range of anxiety can be beneficial to us. In fact, you can turn that excess energy into something more effective, such as when you are nervous about waiting for some important news, or in the frequent swipe the phone to read the news, you may want to convert the energy to do a brisk walk, cleaning, playing games, or watching a movie, etc..
7, try to lift the head
This is an ancient method. When we just look up at the sky and see the blue sky and white clouds, that experience of nature, the feeling of immersion, will let us relax.
8、Learn to listen
Home isolation, most friends will have more free time, let's do an experiment. Choose a period of time on a particular day to listen to your surroundings: listen to the leaves in the wind, the sounds of children playing, or the voices of people around you. When we relax and listen, we can establish a sense of connection with life, and this simple contact with anxiety will be well relieved.
9. Clarify your emotional buttons
What is it that makes you so anxious? Being late? Public speaking in a crowd? A social situation? A family situation? If you know your emotional buttons, you can better self-regulate, and when you are mentally prepared for them, you will be more at ease and more stable.
10、Cultivate patience
Anxiety can manifest itself as impatience, just as patience manifests itself as calmness and stability. If you want to create patience and use it freely, you first need to keep a curious mind and look for impatience, how does it show up in the body? Can you describe it? Patience is not only a wonderful quality, it is also an important way to regulate your emotions.